Welcome to CyanoAlert
CyanoAlert will be a global service for environmental authorities and the commercial sector, concerned by health risks and quality of water resources.
The CyanoAlert service makes use of the wealth of satellite data provided by the Copernicus program, to deliver a fully automated application for assessing toxin-producing cyanobacteria blooms and quality status in water resources globally.
The service foresees a dual system that provides user-specific information for monitoring and reporting purposes to paying customers, and a free and open information service for the general public.
Within the framework of a H2020 project, the service is presently being developed and implemented through collaboration between European SMEs and pilot users in the governmental and commercial sector. Data access, storage, processing chains and supply chains have been established and the service development phase is now transferring into a service phase, where the pilot user partners will integrate the service into their daily operations to demonstrate its usability and value.
The development phase of the service is funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 EO-1-2016 "Downstream Applications" and the SMEs.